False Karmapa Allegations: Return to Tibet & Apology | FBI Investigation

Returning to Tibet

In 2015, The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) took the initiative to show goodwill to the Karmapa, and they allowed the Karmapa's teachings to spread in China and Tibet. The communication between them went smoothly.  On June 26, 2017, on his birthday in the United States, Karmapa expressed his wish to visit Tibet.「I hope, therefore, that within the next two or three years, I can go to the Land of Snows and meet my parents in our homeland. I will try my best for this to happen.」 CCP proactively expressed goodwill towards the Karmapa, using the pretext of a beautiful vision of welcoming him back to his homeland, attempting to lure him back to China. They employed deceitful tactics, hiding their true intentions. However, contrary to their wishes, they resorted to extremely lowly and despicable means to destroy the Karmapa.

In 2020, His Holiness Dalai Lama repeatedly stated during his teachings that within three to five years, he would return to Tibet and visit Wutai Mountain in China to teach Buddhism.  

On February 28, 2023, His Holiness gave a heartwarming and joyful teaching for 50 minutes to 120 M3M graduates, including interactions with an Indian boy. However, individuals with pro-China affiliations edited a distorted 20-second clip from the original 50 minutes video, which went viral on the internet, causing public condemnation of His Holiness.  Hu Xijin, the former editor-in-chief of a CCP-controlled media outlet, took advantage of the situation and spent three consecutive days attacking and defaming His Holiness. The term "Dalai Lama" is blocked in China, and no information related to it can be searched on any website. However, the edited 20-second clip spread widely in China, and "Dalai Lama" even made it to the top three search results on Weibo, where Chinese netizens heavily criticized the Dalai Lama.

After these incidents, the road for His Holiness Dalai Lama and the Karmapa to return to Tibet seems far-fetched. Those with ill intentions have tried everything to harm and destroy the Dalai Lama and the Karmapa, but inadvertently, they have removed obstacles and paved a smooth path for them to return to Tibet. 

His Holiness the Dalai Lama attended the Mani Dhondrup (100 million Mani recitation) Prayer Session on the first day of Saka Dawa earlier this morning at Tsuglagkhang in Dharamshala.

His Holiness further stated that “the change in the current situation of Tibet is inevitable” as changes inside China are undergoing. “It seems more anticipated that I will be teaching and sharing my thoughts on Buddhism in Lhasa alongside a congregation of Tibetans from both inside and outside Tibet”, said His Holiness.」-Tibet.Net/May 20, 2023 His Holiness the Dalai Lama Presides Over Mani Dhondrup Prayer Session

 His Holiness the Dalai Lama is expecting of returning to Tibet very soon  (Full Version)

A few days later, the Dalai Lama replied to a young girl, 'Good, child, I will live a long life! Within a few years, both within and outside Tibet, we will be gathered together, so please rest assured. Let's have the pilgrimage to the Potala Palace and the Jokhang Temple together. Please rest assured and do not let your minds be disturbed or let worries disturb your inner peace, which is not advisable. Please rest assured and have faith that one day the truth about Tibet will emerge.'-Tibet.net. https://fb.watch/l11N8WP53Z/

Source: Tibet. Net

When the CCP attempted to lure the Karmapa back to China in 2018, he made it clear that he would only return when His Holiness the Dalai Lama returned to Tibet. However, before the time of their return to Tibet approached, currently Karmapa was busy negotiating his return to India with the Indian government.  In mid-May 2021, news reports covered the false accusations made by Vikki Han against the Karmapa. After understanding the truth behind the Karmapa incident, the Indian government resolved all suspicions that had lingered for 18 years regarding Karmapa's potential involvement as a spy for the Chinese Communist Party. As a result, the Indian government actively and eagerly invite the Karmapa to return to India. China's Operation Fox Hunt(Skynet) & False Karmapa Allegations

In January 2023, during the Dharma teachings, the Karmapa expressed that his return to India wouldn’t be the same as the past 18 years of living there. He shared his plans to visit Nepal and Bhutan, located near Sikkim, to give the teachings of Buddha Dharma and meet with local Dharma practitioners. As the saying goes, "Crisis can be an opportunity." The resolution of Karmapa's incident has removed the significant obstacles he encountered, opening the path to a bright future, which is now within his reach.


The Dalai Lama incident sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Tibetan poet Tenzin Pema wrote: 

No apology was ever needed from His Holiness. No apology. No explanation. No statement. 

Because pure unadulterated acts of love, faith, and compassion DO NOT require any apology. 

Because an "oothuk" -- foreheads touching to represent pure love, respect in our culture -- does not require an apology. 

Because a kiss or a "po" on the lips given by elders to little children and by young children to elders is common in our culture and another sign of pure, unabashed love until of course, you superimpose your own hypersexualised views/culture or negative experiences on everything and view every act of pure love through that lens; in such an instance, even the sight of a grandfather kissing his own grandson will be misconstrued as "child abuse." 

And likewise the words "nge che le jip" -- such a common playful refrain by Tibetan elders and so innocent-sounding in Tibetan but not so when translated into English as "suck my tongue."

So to reiterate no apology was ever needed from His Holiness, irrespective of how sordid the minds of those who perceive a culture and a purity that their minds can never ever fathom as possible of existence in this world of tremendous hate and angst and lust and malicious intent.

Instead, the world OWES the Tibetan world and His Holiness, who is the very epicentre of that world, an apology. A deep, heartfelt apology for the unprecedented, unwarranted assault and attack on everything we hold dear. The attacks on His Holiness and the ease with which so- called 'woke' people have jumped to conclusions have been deeply deeply deeply hurtful for me and millions across the world.https://www.facebook.com/100001767616321/posts/6023258154409712/?substory_index=170003349286311

Tibetan writer Woeser wrote: "I was worried that this incident would hurt the elderly His Holiness Dalai Lama. But I quickly learned that everything remains the same for the Dalai Lama. He sleeps well, as always. He still gets up early to recite scriptures and practice rituals. He continues to meet people from various places. 

His attendants and secretaries delicately advised him not to be too friendly with others in the future. 'Why?' the Dalai Lama asked in surprise. They briefly mentioned what took place in the past few days. The Dalai Lama said, 'I know, I watch BBC and CNN, I know, haha,' and laughed heartily. He continued, 'But, strangely, you say that. Why can't we treat people kindly? I have no sexual desire.'  

Besides, the most frequently spoken phrase by the Dalai Lama in daily life is the Tibetan pronunciation of 'Ning jie.' 'Ning jie, Ning jie' is his mantra, meaning worthy of pity and compassion. The embodiment of Avalokiteshvara, all sentient beings are worthy of pity and compassion."  有人扔來爛泥巴 , 正好種朵金蓮花 ” : 這場針對尊者達賴喇嘛的網霸 ...... (  )

The Karmapa incident was a self-directed smear campaign by those three women from beginning to end. Wu Hang Yee repeatedly posted messages demanding an apology from the Karmapa, intending to make falsehoods seem true. She further accused the Karmapa's disciples of cyberbullying and tarnishing her sacred reputation, "The pot calling the kettle black," attempting to gain sympathy from the deceived netizens, deluding herself. 

Wu Hang Yee, with a guilty conscience, either deleted or covered the names of all the fake Karmapa accounts she set up, trying to tamper with evidence. This move rigorously proves our analysis and judgment of her fake accounts to be correct. After we revealed the fake accounts, she attempted to destroy the evidence. "Wherever we go, we leave traces behind." mainly since the information publicly available online has long spread everywhere. In addition, Vikki Han handed over the fake Line account to the court for her conversation with Wu has now become irrefutable evidence for the FBI. 'If you don't want people to know, you'd better not do it.' 

If these three women have any shame left, they should repent and apologize to the Karmapa instead of waiting until disaster strikes and seeking forgiveness from the Buddha when it is too late."

FBI Investigation

The FBI's investigation is well-known for its expertise.April 17, 2023, FBI makes arrests over alleged secret Chinese 'police stations' in New York. In a separate complaint unveiled by US officials on Monday, 34 officers from China's Ministry of Public Security were charged with using fake social media accounts to harass Chinese dissidents in the US and spread official Chinese government propaganda.  It is widely believed that all 34 defendants reside in China or other parts of Asia.By Holly Honderich/BBC.  

The FBI has publicly disclosed the detailed personal information of the 34 public security officers on its website. Therefore, even if these officers are currently in China, the FBI can fully access the evidence of their crimes. FBI will immediately arrest them Once these individuals leave China. Therefore, the suspect involved in Hong Kong cannot escape the grasp of the FBI.  

FBI Investigative Practices: (Highlighted Points; Sources:ChatGTP)

1. Collecting Evidence: In FBI investigations, suspects are typically not informed that evidence is being gathered or specific investigative activities are taking place, which is because the FBI aims to maintain the confidentiality of the investigation until they collected enough evidence, to prevent suspects from interfering or tampering with evidence. 

The FBI strives to gather evidence discreetly, such as conducting covert investigations, gathering intelligence, monitoring communications, and using undercover agents. They may utilize scientific and technological means to support the investigation, such as data analysis, forensic science, and electronic evidence collection, and they usually execute these activities without the suspect’s knowledge. Overall, the FBI generally does not let suspects know that they are collecting evidence during the investigation to ensure smooth progress and the integrity of the evidence.

The suspects involved in the Karmapa false allegations may still be unaware of the imminent danger they are facing. They may believe that achieving their goal of destroying the Karmapa will allow them to escape legal consequences. Little do they know that their days in prison are fast approaching.

2. Assistance and Protection of Victims: The FBI will contact victims and provide support and protection. They may collaborate with other relevant agencies, such as law enforcement, mental health experts, and social service organizations, to ensure the safety and well-being of the victims.

Karmapa said Today (2023/3/20) is the first day of the seventh Arya Kshema Spring Course. The course was initially scheduled to start on March 14th but was delayed until today due to some necessary engagements and meetings.“The necessary engagements and meetings” mentioned by the Karmapa refer to important meetings conducted between FBI investigators and the Karmapa regarding the 'Karmapa Incident.' 

Due to threats to the personal security of the Karmapa, the FBI is ensuring the safety and well-being of the victim, the Karmapa. Therefore, the current whereabouts of the Karmapa are temporarily being kept confidential."

3. Cooperation with Other Countries and Regions: Considering the involvement of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Canada, the FBI may collaborate with relevant international partner intelligence and law enforcement agencies to share information, coordinate investigations, and take appropriate actions.

Potential Offenses of the Three Women

The following information is provided by ChatGPT for reference only. The actual crimes committed by these individuals can only be determined by law enforcement officials through formal prosecution.

If the Taiwanese woman, Hong Kong woman, and Canadian woman conspired to use the same account and AI voice to defame a monk and falsely claim to be in a relationship with him, it could involve the following aspects of investigation:

1.  Defamation: This refers to spreading false statements or malicious unfounded rumors that harm someone's reputation. If these three women spread false accusations and defame the monk through fake accounts and AI voice, they could be charged with defamation.

2.  Fabrication of evidence: If these three women create fake accounts, AI voices, or other fabricated evidence to support their accusations and to frame the monk, they could be charged with fabricating evidence.

3.  Conspiracy: If these three women conspire and collaborate to fabricate evidence, spread false statements, and falsely accuse and frame the monk, they could be charged with conspiracy.

4.  Internet fraud: If these women use fake accounts and AI voices to deceive, defame, or harm others, they may be implicated in Internet fraud.

5.  Fraud: If the Canadian-Chinese woman and her accomplice intentionally deceive others with false statements or means for illegitimate purposes, such as designing a fake rape incident, it could involve charges of fraud.

6.  Espionage: If the Canadian woman and other accomplices infiltrate the monk's temple in the United States, gain knowledge of the environment through volunteer work, and design situations to frame him for rape, it could involve elements of espionage.

Note: Karmapa may have been one of the first well-known individuals to become a victim of AI voice cloning. In 2018, Chinese company Baidu had already developed advanced AI voice cloning technology, and people had already started using this technology for fraudulent purposes.     Deep Voice’ Software Can Clone Anyone's Voice With Just 3.7 Seconds of Audio

Taiwan Investigation Bureau

On the 2022 birthday of the Karmapa, representatives from the Tibetan exile government attended the Karmapa's birthday celebration in New York. Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen and then-mayor of Taipei, Ko Wen-je, sent flowers to the Taipei venue of the Karmapa's birthday celebration. The four major political parties in Taiwan also sent representatives to attend the birthday event. 全球弟子統一為大寶法王慶生 救護車捐贈命名為噶瑪巴一號

The Karmapa has never been to Taiwan, nor has he had any contact with any political party in the Taiwan government. But why do these politicians take the initiative to show goodwill for the Karmapa's birthday celebration? How did they learn about the Karmapa's birthday celebration? They not only sent flowers but also sent important officials to participate. Which especially person or country arranged this event? Taiwan's president and the four major political parties have followed their advice. Those who understand Taiwan's politics should know it well. Certainly not the Karmapa, who does not have political influence in Taiwan. They should have known the mastermind behind the Karmapa incident, so they expressed their support for the Karmapa. 

The United States and Taiwan have close government relations, so, understandably, Taiwan's Investigation Bureau or related departments would be willing to cooperate and assist the FBI in their investigation. Jane Huang and her accomplices are likely the main targets of scrutiny from the Taiwanese side.

Note: Karmapa had previously stated that he no longer celebrated his birthday, but why did he announce in 2022 that his disciples worldwide would celebrate on the same day? Furthermore, the Tibetan government-in-exile and the Taiwanese government sent representatives to participate in the birthday celebration, which is unusual. This birthday event in 2022 must have had a hidden purpose and is likely related to the Karmapa incident. Therefore, apart from India that Taiwan and the Tibetan government-in-exile are also aware of the truth behind the Karmapa incident. These suspects may have thought they could conceal their actions, but they are unaware that their misdeeds have already been exposed to the public. When the time is ripe, their true faces will be revealed before the eyes of the world, completely unveiled.

The Situation of the Three Women

In the article "The Triple Hoax," we mentioned the collaboration of three women: Wu, Huang, and Han, who conspired to smear Karmapa. When the situation regarding Wu & Huang’s smear campaign against Karmapa seemed unfavorable, Han immediately stepped in with even more powerful means to defame Karmapa. Their objective is to ensure that the Karmapa incident continues to spread and escalate, ultimately leading to the destruction of Karmapa. The court issued an injunction prohibiting Vikki Han from further defaming the Karmapa. As a result, it is now Wu and Huang's turn to continue the deception by portraying themselves as pitiful victims, preparing for the next wave of attacks and smears against Karmapa. However, we have exposed their lies one by one, but they persist in their desperate counterattacks. "No tears shed without seeing the coffin."

At this juncture, any defamatory words or language targeting Karmapa direct serve as evidence for the ongoing inquiry. It’s warm-hearted advice that does not underestimate the Karmapa and question or deny the possibility of FBI involvement in the scrutiny. The FBI is conducting a covert examination behind the scenes, and these suspects are unaware that they have long been on the radar of the FBI, already ensnared in their investigation. If they persist in their delusion and continue to slander Karmapa, so be it. Please ensure to thoroughly remove any remaining minor obstacles for Karmapa, prompting the FBI to expedite their operation in apprehending and prosecuting all suspects, enabling Karmapa to prepare for his return to India at the earliest opportunity.  When that time comes, a warm welcome awaits Karmapa at Rumtek Monastery in Sikkim. The fulfillment of Karmapa's 2019 prophetic dream will come true, and the judiciary will confirm Karmapa's innocence, leaving all the implicated suspects unable to evade justice.


    Evidence of Three Women Falsely Accusing the Karmapa (2019-2022)

Jane Huang:

Wu Hang Yee

Vikki Hui Xin Han


Jane Huang doesn't want you to see screenshots of conversations between her and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche.


Note: Adding to that, according to the evidence provided by Jane Huang, the "Skype conversation with the Karmapa in May 2015 during his tour in the United States," the content and account are unclear. How can it be proved that it is indeed the Karmapa's account? Claiming that a random communication record is a conversation between Jane Huang and the Karmapa is not a valid or credible assertion. We magnified the image and carefully examined the account, confirming that it is a fake Karmapa account belonging to Wu Hang Yee and Jane Huang.


Fake Karmapa Accounts

The truth about the false allegations against the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje

The truth of the Chinese-Canadian Vikki Hui Xin Han falsely accused of the 17th Karmapa

【Jane Huang accused Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche】

The False Karmapa Allegations: The Stance of His Holiness Dalai Lama and Tibetan Government-in-Exile