The Law of Cause and Effect | the Supernatural Powers of the Karmapa

Bodhisattva Mastery over Life and Death

Bodhisattvas, driven by their vows to benefit sentient beings, transcend the binds of birth and death, having complete control over their incarnations. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has reiterated that as long as the Tibetan people and humanity need him, he will remain in this world. His Holiness expressed many times that he will live to the age of 113, embodying the mastery over life and death as a great Bodhisattva.

In his teachings in 2021, the Karmapa expressed that he will have a long life in this incarnation and spread the Dharma and benefit sentient beings worldwide. The 17th Karmapa believes that if the 16th Karmapa could remain in this world for an extended period, many issues regarding inheritance could be avoided. The Karmapa, fulfilling his vows, reincarnates with mastery over life and death, residing in this world for the benefit of sentient beings for a prolonged period.

The Limitations of Supernatural Powers

「Mogallana always thought that nothing was impossible with his supernatural power. However, little did he realize that supernatural power could not help one escape the law of cause and effect. Neither did he know that it could not defeat karma and free one from the cycle of life and death.

Once, the Buddha's homeland Kapilavastu was invaded by King Vidudabha of Kosala. Being a patriot, the Buddha had succeeded in blocking the enemy three times. But King Vidudabha did not want to give up. Knowing that this was due to the karma of the Sakya clan. The Buddha had no choice but to let it be.

Mogallana was deeply agitated when heard that Kapilavastu was surrounded by enemy troops. Though the Buddha told him this was the karma of the Sakya clan, he insisted on saving the clan people with his miraculous power.

He flew into Kapilavastu which was already encircled by enemy troops ring upon ring. He selected the five hundred outstanding Sakyas and put them in a bowl. When he had safely flown out of the country, he opened the bowl and found that the five hundred people in it had already turned into a flood of blood!

Mogallana then realized one could not violate the law of cause and effect taught by the Buddha. Even supernatural powers could not outmatch karmic effect.」© BDEA/BuddhaNet.

Throughout history, people have celebrated the Karmapas for their remarkable supernatural abilities. However, they encountered numerous challenges during their lifetimes.  As one of the significant representatives of the transmission of Buddhist teachings, the 17th Karmapa's supernatural abilities are also well-known. Nevertheless, he also encountered various trials in his life, pressures, and sufferings beyond what ordinary beings can endure. The greater the Buddhist mission, the greater the obstacles. Some people question why so many things happen despite Karmapa's incredible supernatural abilities, reminding us that although supernatural powers are influential, they cannot violate the law of cause and effect. The Buddha teaches us that even with supernormal abilities, one cannot resist the influence of karma. The Karmapa deeply understands the profound significance of the law of karma. Over a decade ago, when residing in India, the Karmapa was falsely accused. He immediately closed the door and inscribed the Thirty-Five Buddhas' Repentance (The Sutra in the Three Sections) in Chinese with his blood, stroke by stroke.  Later, evidence showed the innocence of the Karmapa.

The Supernatural Powers of the Karmapa

The supernatural abilities of the Karmapa have garnered attention in the past, and for example, he successfully predicted Donald Trump's election as the President of the United States in 2016. Furthermore, after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the Karmapa prophesied in his online Buddhist teachings in March that the Russia-Ukraine war would continue for a long time, and he also held online prayer sessions for world peace and the swift end of the conflict. Now, as the Russia-Ukraine war enters its third year with no immediate prospect of a ceasefire agreement, the accuracy of the Karmapa predictions is once again evident.

According to the scriptures, the Buddha not only possessed telepathic abilities, enabling him to communicate mentally, but he also had the extraordinary skill of making small insects comprehend his intentions. Similarly, the Karmapa can communicate with birds, butterflies, little moths, and other creatures, conveying messages to them. Additionally, he can mentally make people understand his intentions and even manipulate other people’s computers. As the Karmapa predicted the development of the Karmapa Incident in the dreams of his close disciples, our understanding of his supernatural abilities has deepened. The Karmapa supernatural abilities manifest remarkably, and we eagerly anticipate sharing more about them with everyone.

The supernatural abilities of the Karmapa are not displayed arbitrarily but rather for the benefit of sentient beings.  At one point, he instructed his close disciples to attend all teachings or instructions given by him. If they couldn't participate, he requested that they inform him, which was not through phone calls or text messages but rather a telepathic communication through which he could receive information.  

The advancement of modern technology allows us to watch live Dharma teachings by the Karmapa through online streaming at home. Regardless of whether viewers are using platforms like Facebook, YouTube, or any other, the Karmapa can directly perceive their mental states and activities as if they were present at the teaching venue. Sometimes, the Karmapa interacts directly with his disciples who attended his teachings on YouTube or Facebook without communication platforms like Zoom, Skype, or Line.

While we lack supernatural abilities and rely on screens, the Karmapa clairvoyance knows no bounds. The primary planners of the Karmapa Incident paid particular attention to Karmapa's online teachings and actively participated in obtaining information from him. The Karmapa understands their motivations and provides them with messages based on their wishes, even though these individuals may not realize that the Karmapa is reading their minds.

Retribution for Harming the Karmapa

According to historical records of the successive Karmapas, those who cause harm to the Karmapa often face severe consequences. The 8th Karmapa, Mikyö Dorje, endured persecution during his lifetime, and many of those who harmed him met tragic fates, such as untimely deaths, ruin, and loss of wealth. In recent years, individuals who have evil the 17th Karmapa and disrupted the harmony of the monastic community have suddenly passed away without warning. Therefore, those currently slandering and defaming the Karmapa should be aware that they are also facing the "calamity of imprisonment." please keep this in mind and prepare yourselves accordingly.

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